Welcome Message from Tony

“Welcome to Seniors in Play. Acting is more than just my job; it’s my passion. I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of theatre, both for audiences and for performers. That’s why I want to share my love of acting with other seniors through free online acting classes. Whether you’re new to acting or want to rediscover your love for it, this class is for you! Come join us for an amazing experience that offers growth, self-expression, and most of all, fun.”

— Tony Plana, Founder of Seniors in Play

Ever Dream of Being an Actor?

As people advance in age, they gain more opportunities to experience significant life events.
Whether the occurrences are positive or negative, there are a lot of benefits to sharing these
events with others. Not only can they provide entertainment or education for the audience, they
may also grant relief to the people telling the story. Many seniors are realizing the benefits of making their stories heard by writing memoirs.

  • “Challenging? You bet! Tony and Bill are unbelievably good at assessing where each of us is and then individualizing the instruction so that we have the tools to take our understanding and skill to the next level. These days we meet through Zoom; but even in the confines of my own home, for two hours, twice a week, there is no room in my thoughts for anything but how to make the scenes real and believable. I always come away energized and ready to tackle whatever the day has in store.“


  • “Thankfully I found Seniors in Play, which challenges me and allows me to have a creative outlet and have a social life. Seniors in Play has shown me that you can never be too mature in age to make new friends.“


  • “It is a worthwhile, and very rewarding endeavor, and inspires much needed self-reflection, as well as being a lot of fun! Thank you, Bill and Tony, for allowing me to be a part of Senior Planet’s Seniors in Play!”


  • “I love trying on new characters and practicing becoming someone else. I have learned many things and acting techniques from Bill and Tony. Tony gets to the core of what acting is and how to do it.“
